What We Do.

The mission of the Wilton Republican Town Committee is to identify, recruit and support the best skilled and most knowledgeable candidates for local elected office. In doing so, we will seek to identify and listen to the concerns, values, and energy of all neighbors and take action that preserves all the qualities that we love about Wilton.

We think Wilton is exceptional because of the brilliance and character of our students, the wisdom of our elders, the civility and decency of our neighbors, and the dignity we strive to infuse in all our cooperative actions. The WRTC’s mission starts in Wilton, and we will support candidates, policies, and initiatives that:

  • Foster and cultivate economic growth and job opportunities and attract businesses of all sizes.
  • Balance growth with the maintenance and preservation of Wilton’s unique character and heritage.
  • Further goals of government transparency, cost-effectiveness, responsiveness, and accountability to Wilton citizens.
  • Continue and foster Wilton’s enviable track record of excellence in public education.
  • Prioritize Wilton taxpayers and reduce the burden of taxes, regulations, and government spending on individual taxpayers, businesses, employers, and property owners.
  • Insist upon civility and decency in public discourse.

What We Believe.

The GOP is the party of Abraham Lincoln, and our efforts as a town committee are guided by values and beliefs that are necessary for the proper functioning of a representative democracy:

  • We believe in self-determination and that government is most accountable, most responsive to the citizenry, and most effective in action when it is most local.
  • We believe that we are judged as individuals not members of a group and that free individuals have a responsibility to cooperate for the common good.
  • We believe the public square belongs to all and that no opinions should be silenced. When considering differing views, we will strive to rely upon evidence, experience, and wisdom rather than emotions and passion.
  • We welcome all citizens regardless of their ethnicity or religious convictions. We will not allow any one belief – or lack of belief – to supersede any other. 
  • We believe that laws are to be respected and when we object to them we change them democratically rather than annul them unilaterally.


The Wilton Republican Town Committee is made up of neighbors with common concerns for our town, our state, and our nation. Together, we are working to defend what is right about Wilton and correct what's wrong with our dysfunctional state.

If you share our concerns we hope you will join us. We meet the second Tuesday of every month and our gatherings are open to everyone. Sign up to find out when and where.

Peter Wrampe

Chairman of the WRTC.

Welcome, and thank you for your interest in the Wilton Republican Town Committee website.

The WRTC focuses on matters that specifically relate to our town. We support lowering property taxes while increasing property values, blocking the regionalization of our schools and state-sanctioned affordable housing mandates, creating a competitive business environment to attract new businesses while keeping existing businesses and trying to stem the flow of residents out of the state.

Our mission includes recruiting and supporting qualified Republican candidates to serve in the best interests of Wilton residents. If you would like to join the Wilton Republican Town Committee or participate in one of our monthly Zoom meetings which are open to the public, contact me here.

Our Members

Jake Lubel

Vice Chairman, WRTC

Jake and his wife Ashley moved to Wilton in 2019 with their three young children. He is actively involved in Wilton and serves on the town's Economic Development Commission. Jake has an MBA from Columbia Business School and works on the investment team for a large holding company.  

Lori Bufano

Lori moved to Wilton in 1973 and graduated from Wilton High School and is now an executive at Yale New Haven Healthcare System. She serves as Second Selectman on Wilton's Board of Selectmen.

Bill Lalor

Bill is an attorney and former Chairman of the WRTC. When the state legislature proposed to forcibly regionalize Wilton's schools, Bill organized Hands Off Our Schools, a statewide grassroots organizations that gave voice to thousands of citizens across Connecticut and defeated Hartford's plans.

Jill Warren

A recent graduate of Cornell University, Jill serves on the Planning and Zoning Commission. is founder of a Victims and Survivors Association at Cornell, an Educator for Consent Education, and Chairwoman of her sorority's Committee on Sexual Assault. Jill brings a valuable new perspective to Wilton self-governance.

Joshua Cole

Josh has lived in town for more than 12 years and has two daughters attending Wilton Public Schools.  His legal experience in commercial real estate informs his views on responsible development. He has served the town for many years in various capacities and is currently on the Board of Selectmen.

Kim Healy

Kim is a CPA who has lived in Wilton since 2008 and in Connecticut since 1994. She is a member of the Wilton Library Board of Directors and the Wilton League of Women Voters. In her first run for elective office she challenged Will Haskell for State Senator in 2020.

Gail Lavielle

Gail tirelessly represented Wilton in the Connecticut House of Representatives for more than a decade holding the line on taxes and defeating proposals to dilute our independence.

She served on the Norwalk River Valley Trail steering committee and is an Advisory Board member of Wilton Go Green.

She has held executive leadership positions with Fortune 500 corporations in both France and the United States for more than 25 years. Gail earned an MA in French from Yale, a BA in English from Cornell University, and an MBA in finance from UConn.

Annalisa Stravato

Annalisa is one of two Wilton Registrars of Voters. She is also Vice Chairman at Connecticut Republicans.

Tracy Scarfi

Lisa Pojano

Lisa attended High School and College in Connecticut. She moved to Wilton in 2004. She is an IT professional and has been a member of the RTC since 2018. Lisa currently serves the town as Vice-Chair of the Historic District and Properties Commission and as a Constable.

Anthony Cenatiempo

Phil Murphy

Phil serves on the Conservation Commission and had previously served on the Wilton Energy Commission and represented Wilton on the Southwestern Connecticut Regional Planning Association.

Warren Serenbetz

Warren previously served as Chairman of the Wilton Board of Finance for six years during more than a decade of service on the Board. Warren's professional career has also included work for Eastman Kodak, PepsiCo, and American Can Company in Greenwich.

Anna-Marie Bilella 

Anna-Marie has lived in Wilton since 2005 and in Connecticut since 1999. She is the Chairperson of Wilton’s Parks & Recreation Commission and served as a member of the Wilton Energy Commission.  Anna-Marie held executive leadership positions in the Financial Services industry for over 25 years in LA, Atlanta, NYC and Stamford. 

Kathleen Wrampe

Kathleen is an accomplished artist whose color, brush strokes and the feel of the canvas combine and reflect her experiences in Rio, Düsseldorf, Singapore, Shanghai and, of course, Wilton. 

Lianne Acosta-Rua

Lianne is an active member of the Wilton Garden Club and volunteer for the Family and Children’s Agency. She has served as the secretary of the Wilton Republican Town Committee since 2005. Additionally, she is currently serving as a Constable and Justice of the Peace for Wilton.

Matt Raimondi

Matt serves on the board of the Kennedy Children’s Center, which provides special education preschool services to ~600 children in East Harlem and the South Bronx serving on the finance and investing committees.  He serves on the board of the REACH Institute, a nonprofit organization dedicated to ensuring that mental health care reaches all children and families and is a member of the strategy and finance committees.  He recently joined the board of Friends of Sherwood Island State Park.

Hella McSweeney

John Macken

Ken MacCallum

Barry Borchetta

Jonathan Savas

Bill Smith

Richard Hubli

Bryan Dinkelacker

Carol Linehan 

Chris Weldon

Don Drummond

Patty Tomasetti

Shri Seshan

Jennifer Kendra

Libby Bufano

Jane Mitchell

Kevin Regan

Jeff Rutishauser

Xuehi Ling