What We're Reading

Current News and Opinion of Interest to Wilton Republicans

Jim Himes Votes Against the Laken Riley Act . . . TWICE

"Laken Riley was murdered by a multiple-offending illegal immigrant in Georgia. Following Miss Riley’s brutal murder last February, the House put up legislation in March, calling for the detention by ICE of illegal immigrants implicated in local theft or burglary charges. Not surprisingly, Jim Himes voted against the bill, which did pass the House."

Take Action: Read the whole article here and consider subscribing.

A Solution to Sky-High Electricity Bills 

Connecticut families are being crushed by the state’s sky-high energy costs. Fortunately, the state Republicans have a plan: 

·      Eliminate the “Public Benefits Charge,”

·      Cap the price of future long-term energy purchases,

·      redefine nuclear and hydro power as Class I renewables,  

·      separate PURA from DEEP,

·      eliminate the electric vehicle rebate program,

·      and increase the supply of abundant natural gas.   


Take Action: Learn more about the “Consumers First” plan here: https://ct-n.com/ctnplayer.asp?odID=24133 and subscribe to the Senate Republicans' newsletter here:

What Does the Trump Presidency Mean for Wilton?

Coastal Connecticut Times has a deep dive exploration of what the Trump Administration may mean for Wilton in a variety of areas including federal grants, immigration enforcement, property values, and healthcare.  As a bonus, there is a rundown of Election 2024 results for our area.


Take Action: Read the full article here: https://www.coastalconnecticuttimes.com/special-edition-of-the-what-what-does-a-trump-presidency-mean-for-southwest-connecticut/?ref=coastal-connecticut-times-newsletter


Hartford Democrats and Zoning Are a Dangerous Mix

 The grassroots Zoning reform group, 169Strong, has a rundown on the bills likely to come up in Hartford this year including  “Fair Housing” legislation that would essentially mandate a set number of affordable housing units for each town regardless of the local zoning ordinances.  Read about it here: https://mailchi.mp/169strong.org/a12j3su031-18232142?e=fc671ef2af


Take Action: Contribute to 169Strong and subscribe to their newsletter to stay on top of the issue.  They will also send you an alert when your voice is needed in Hartford.  info@ct169strong.org

Good Reads

Click to subscribe and follow some of the newsletters and news sites we're reading:

State Senator Ryan Fazio's Newsletter -- Up and coming young GOP state senator.

Coastal Connecticut Times -- Center/left local news from a journalist/blogger.

The Connecticut Centinal -- conservative news source for Fairfield County



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